My chosen theme is time and how time is the greatest ruler. Time has been controlling the way in which we live since the beginning of the world and will continue to be the ruler until the very end.
The earliest time measurement devices before clocks and watches were sundials, hourglasses and water clocks. Throughout history people have also used imaginary ways to tell the time, many of which have been passed on through generations; for example, how many puffs of breath it takes to blow away all the seeds of a dandelion.
I have created a pillar of time. The concrete block has four different sides representing areas of time that may control people in their daily life and have done over the years, such as Chinese zodiacs, Aztec stone, words associated with time and multiple clock faces. Inside of the pillar there are different animals that have evolved over time. I started with dinosaurs at the bottom due to these becoming extinct, leading onto wild animals that vary from endangered to more common species of domestic animals.