My original idea was inspired by a small travel writing kit I saw in the Cabinet of Curiosities when I first started the project. I was intrigued by it and I began to think about how many uses this would have had in the past, such as for making notes, creating letters or even writing a poem or story. This simple writing kit could both trigger memories and preserve memories in time.
Throughout the project, I have explored the many ways I could present my idea of how memories can be preserved. I looked into a range of artists and themes but I always returned to my initial inspiration. When I first saw the writing kit I imagined war, how it made a huge impact on so many and how the writing kit would have been used to create letters between soldiers and their loved ones. Then I began to imagine the preservation of the letters so that their memories could be cherished in the future. I have chosen to base my theme on my Great Grandparents, Walter and Olive Bryce who wrote to each other during WW1. Some of the letters have been saved and passed down through the family and I feel fortunate to be able to present them in my work.